


The Brazilian Nuclear Energy Association - ABEN promoted the IX International Nuclear Atlantic Conference - INAC 2019 (International Nuclear Atlantic Conference), held at the Mendes Convention Center in Santos, São Paulo, from October 21 to 25. INAC is held every two years and is the largest and most important event in the nuclear sector in Latin America, gathering more than one thousand registrations and three thousand participants, several companies and universities from all over the country. The theme of the event, "New Nuclear Horizons: Fueling Our Future "(Nuclear New Horizons: Fueling our Future) discussed the essential role of nuclear science and technology in all its applications for the benefit and development of the society. Exploiting nuclear energy as a source that generates industrial demand, employment, social and economic development and contributes to environmental goals in the countries and regions in which it operates.

The Conference comprised three independent but complementary technical meetings: the XXI Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Physics and Thermal Hydraulics (XXI ENFIR), the XIV Meeting on Nuclear Applications (XIV ENAN) and the VI Meeting on Nuclear Industry (VI ENIN). This year's INAC also hosted the I International Thorium Workshop (ITHOR-WS), which discussed the current status of thorium in the world.

In conjunction with the technical meetings, the eighth edition of the Junior Postgraduate Technical Sessions was also organized for undergraduate students from various colleges and universities, with the aim of sharing with participants the relevant results achieved in their research work under the supervision of nuclear researchers. from Brazilian institutions. Within this context, through the ITPAC / Porto-IPEN / USP continuing education partnership, the student of the 8th period of the Medical School of ITPAC Porto Nacional and Scientific Initiation Scholarship by CAPES-IPEN / USP, Emerson Leão, under the guidance of Dr. Gaianê Sabundjian presented the paper entitled “POST MATHEMATIC PROCESSOR FOR IMPLICIT ASSOCIATION TEST SOFTWARE - FREEIAT”.

The work that resulted in the development of a software that automatically receives data from the Implicit Association Test (FreeIAT) and turns them into graphs that with just a few clicks enables instant measurement of a target audience's relationship to a study object, providing an agile analysis pre-concepts in the most areas of knowledge, including the medical field, has received many praises and reinforces the active role of research in building professionals of the highest excellence within HEI.

The academic described the experience as: “Being at an event of the magnitude and importance of INAC 2019 representing HEI at its most current in relation to the applications of nuclear energy within medicine, nationally and internationally was an extraordinary experience. In addition, being in touch with the players in the field, including the largest companies in the industry in the world and many military, governmental and scientific authorities, broadens the horizons of the formation and has enabled me to pursue even greater achievements. I greatly appreciate the opportunity and support of HEI in this achievement.”

Many other works from the strictu-sense postgraduate processes developed by HEI professors were also presented as “NEUROSCIENCE TECHNIQUE APPLIED TO THE MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIC SUPPORT SYSTEM” authored by Doctoral student Larissa Jácome Barros Silvestre, also advisor to Dr. Gaianê Sabundjian; “TOXICITY STUDY USING RAT (WISTAR) MODEL OF A HYDROGEL DRESSING WITH SILVER NANOPARTICLES CROSSLINKED AND STERILIZED BY GAMMA RADIATION” by Grazielly de Souza; and “EFFECTIVINESS OF THE HYDROGEL DRESSING CROSSLINKED AND STERELIZED BY GAMMA RADIATION” by Karine Gemelli.